Alessia Gaspodini | Shahgoon Manirajah
November 5, 2021


In today’s data driven society where everything is connected to numbers, processes, documents and information, how can this data be utilized to generate actionable insights?   

With MAPEGY, #datamakesadifference in enabling #sustainableinnovation.

Syed Mujtaba Ishaq, Head of Sales at MAPEGY/ moderator of the event, along with Tim Vorage, Founder and Manager at Growth Garage, set the stage on the importance of data-driven intelligence in creating a sustainable future: Sustainability is not just about adopting the latest energy-efficient technologies or relying on renewable resources. Sustainability is everyone's responsibility, every day = "KAITEKI": it's about changing our behavior and mindset. It all starts with us, and we all have a role to play.


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“Let us and data make a difference” said Dr. Peter Walde, who quit his job back in 2002 to build a data warehouse that helps organizations improve tomorrow with today’s data: MAPEGY

Our mission was definitely reflected in our first hybrid Community Event, Connected Knowledge 2021, which was among the first events in the data intelligence sector focused on promoting informed and sustainable decision-making. Co-hosted with our innovation partners, Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials (MCAM) at their KAITEKI showroom in Frankfurt am Main on October 21st. It was a great opportunity to participate in kick-starting discussions on A.I.'s role, potentials, and limitations in sustainable development efforts with a remarkable roster of speakers from some of the most innovative companies like Mitsubishi, Rotite, Airbus, REWE, In-manas and industry experts from more than 150 organizations that joined us from across the globe, exchanging ideas and views for shaping a better tomorrow.

The event began with a keynote by MAPEGY’s Founder and CEO,  Dr. Peter Walde, who detailed his personal journey that led to the development of the most ideal data intelligence platform. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Peter worked for Volkswagen’s Future Lab where he was responsible for over a hundred competitive trend and technology reports based on pattern, scientific, and press data. His past experience prompted him to create MAPEGY (which stands for mapping data for your strategy) in 2012, the first mover in data-driven innovation and trend research, a technology intelligence platform that enables real-time data exploration.

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Following Peter’s presentation, MAPEGY’s Chief Data Scientist, Dr. Matthias Plaue, presented MAPEGY’s features for innovation scouting, including technology trends and collaboration charts, as well as a sneak peek at a new feature that captures news events on the latest technology to show emerging trends and potential scenarios of given technology. He then talked about the data value chain, focusing on three aspects: quality of the data, constructing knowledge graphs from data, and machine learning, all of which are essential to our platform.

Following the presentations, Dr. Christoph Stehncken, presented a specific use case from Airbus who has been using and incorporating MAPEGY into the research projects at Airbus. After using MAPEGY SCOUT for a few years, his team at Airbus made considerable progress in a number of key areas like patent publications, state of the art reports building, and strength scouting, while saving millions of euros and significantly reducing the workload of knowledge experts.

A second use case from REWE, Europe's second largest retailer, was presented by  Karim, the innovation manager at REWE Digital, who was eager to explain the benefits of our Global InnovationGraph in assisting REWE in connecting startups to collaborate with new trends and technologies as the company is interested in various types of technologies, as well as the availability of early-stage technologies. REWE isn't just in the retail sector; it's also in energy, DIY, and a few digital ventures, and it is continuously looking into horizon 2 and 3, attempting to answer the question of what REWE will be in the next 100 years.

After the use case presentations, we went on to explain our platform in greater detail, including explanations of key features and the most recent developments. For instance, there was another presentation given by our CEO, Dr. Peter Walde, giving an in-depth overview of the matrix feature on the SCOUT platform, which is used by customers like in-manas, an intelligence management consultancy, as a structured tool to gain actionable insights into companies and markets, as well as explore external factors toward sustainable or macrotrends. Additionally, Ainhoa Alzola, our product manager at MAPEGY, presented the product roadmap and went into great detail about the purpose, vision, and development of new features such as improved API integrations and the ability to implement statistical analysis.

We were excited to have partnered with the growth garage team at MCAM who share our commitment towards sustainable innovation. It was only fair that they make a presentation on behalf of their great initiative. Tim Vorage, the Founder and Manager at Growth Garage along with Franziska Pieper, project lead and business analyst at Growth Garage, teamed up to give a great presentation on the current challenges in the circular economy and how data intelligence platforms like MAPEGY SCOUT, accelerate the adoption of innovation that contributes to green economy. Joining them is Stuart Burns who is the Innovation Director at Rotite Technologies who took the opportunity to present about the sustainable innovation efforts of Rotite in relation to the circular economy which was on point with the theme of the event. 


To end the event on a high note, we organized a panel discussion led by Syed Mujtaba Ishaq, Head of Sales at MAPEGY, with industry experts from MCAM:  Henning Bloech, Global Director of Sustainable Solutions, and Nicole Kambeck, Circular Economy Director, along with Dr. Peter Walde and Dr. Christoph Stehncken from Airbus in answering questions from our online audience about topics such as data intelligence, sustainability, circular economy, process innovation, and our role as individuals in achieving net zero. 

As previously said, it was such a great pleasure and honor to have co-hosted this event with the team at MCAM’s Growth Garage. We look forward to hosting more events and collaborations with an emphasis on sustainability in the foreseeable future.

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