April 19, 2021

Making Decisions with MAPEGY SCOUT

You have probably read a lot in the last year about ‘state of mind’. Being in the right mindset to make the right decisions and making those decisions to benefit yourself, your business and your employees.

In a recent TED talk by Julia Galef, she states “perspective is everything, especially when it comes to examining your beliefs. Are you a soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all costs - or a scout, spurred by curiosity?”

Julia also examines the motivations behind these two mindsets and how they shape the way we interpret information. When your steadfast opinions are tested, Galef asks: "What do you most yearn for? Do you yearn to defend your own beliefs or do you yearn to see the world as clearly as you possibly can?"

If you focus on communication and a joint goal based on data within your business, those goals have a better chance of succeeding. By using MAPEGY SCOUT, setting a goal that your employees can align with couldn’t be easier. Decisions can be made based on industry data and then displayed using customizable dashboards.

If you can’t already tell at MAPEGY, we are scouts who aim to bring our industry leading features to as many businesses as possible. Here are just a few of the features SCOUT can bring to your organisation:


Recall insights with pinpoint accuracy by connecting keywords with Boolean operators. Retrieve only relevant technology related data.

Projects & Collaboration

Create collaborative and shareable projects and reports to spread SCOUT’s knowledge.


Curated technological trends radar. Explore the latest technological trends by industry.


Extract data easily from visually intuitive and dynamic panels and charts. Include all of MAPEGY’s visualizations in your reports.

Users are able to get comprehensive overviews, saving all the key data into projects for collaboration with their teams. These projects can become the basis for reports that can be shared as private links, internally and beyond.

We understand that trying to find all this data can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. We would like to book a free chat to help you to start making industry leading decisions, accessing thousands of publications and helping you make the right decisions.

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